Turn Gelato Paradiso 1g Disposable – TURN DOWN


Buzzy, full-bodied, and uplifting, this fruit-forward botanica is smooooooth like Barry White. Settle into a relaxed euphoria and prepare to zone out over a puzzle or get deep into that nature doc you’ve had queued.

taste: fruit cocktail

feeling: floaty

memory:  remote slumber party

From seed to pen, you’ll only get clean, fresh, guaranteed pure California goodness. Choose from a wide selection of our high potency, exclusive formulated, and hand curated Botanica Blends strains to get the perfect floaty feeling for you.

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Gelato Paradiso (i-hybrid)

A yin and yang hybrid perfect for daytime or evening connoisseurs. Sit back as this delicious, bubblegum-ish fruit forward strain tries to tease out a mind and body buzz. Netflix and chill will never be the same without your favorite Italian dessert. Wait! Don’t forget your waffle cone!

silky & sweet  –  arouse  –  waffle cone nightcap

From seed to pen, you’ll only get clean, fresh, guaranteed pure California goodness. Choose from a wide selection of our high potency, exclusive formulations, and hand curated Botanica Blends strains to get the perfect floaty feeling you’re looking for.

// oil highlights //

single farm source

California fresh grown

tested and verified clean

Additional information
Weight 1 g


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